Welcome back Be the One family!
Pastor Steven here, I am so excited to go into the next part of our series on leadership, "The Power of Words"
3 truths about how we speak:
Words always produce something
Words can help or hurt people. Think about how you respond when someone communicates with love, purpose, and vision, but when a person is spiteful or rude it makes us want to disengage and it can be discouraging. The Bible shows us time and time again there is power behind the words we speak.
Mark 11:23 NKJV “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, “Be removed and be cast into the sea,” and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” That same power and authority Jesus spoke of in Mark, was on display when God spoke creation into being.
God set up the power of speaking. God speaking was a sign of his authority and power. He didn’t have to build it nor did he have to wait for it to produce. When God speaks, it happens. This is vital for us to understand, while we are not God we are created in his image, and we have the power to create. In us is seed, free will, and ingenuity. We are made in the image of the trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our words have creative power as well.
What you speak over your life TODAY will affect your TOMORROW.
Your words will leave an impression long after you SPEAK them.
God created it that way. In order to fuel purpose, be intentional with the words you speak. Recognize that judgement, curses, and devaluing can happen when we neglect our hearts and speech.
The words we say produce something.
2) Sick tongues HURT people.
For us to step into our purpose, it’s important to evaluate the words we speak over our lives and others. Remember the old saying,“sticks and stones may break my bones but your words will never hurt me.” The truth is that words can actually really hurt people. That is why it is so important that we live in freedom. When our soul is healthy, our heart is soft which leads to having a life giving nature. Toxic souls produce hard hearts which lead to hard tones and vindictive words. This is huge! The condition of your heart will speak, in fact, these verses add great clarity as we examine the words we speak.
Ephesians 4:29 (ESV) Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouth, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.
Matthew 15:11 (NLT) It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.
All of us have been wounded by the words of others. Let’s be mindful of the words we speak, especially when we are offended or misunderstood. It’s so easy to allow our feelings to choose the words we say but as a believer we want to be led by love rather than hurt. Our words can be attacking or attracting. They can be healing or hurtful. Words leave an impression long after they are said. 3) Speaking life is a Catalyst. The right word at the right time can add so much value to people. While there are times when a word of challenge or correction is necessary, our heart as a believer is to be a catalyst to the body. We want to help build faith, and to use our words to minister to the discouraged. Using life giving words is directly connected to our purpose. Let’s look for ways to speak life over people. There will always be broken people who need ministry, so you are needed! There is an expectation for believers to be ready to use faith filled words. That means in get-togethers and family moments can be opportunities to add value to those around you. Look for those moments! When we speak life, that is a sign that our hearts are soft and able to minister.
Be the One family I just want to leave you with this: - Are your words life giving? - What words have I been speaking over myself lately? - Who do I need to speak life over? Love ya, Pastor Steven Sexton