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No Fear (Part 5)


The Fear of Abandonment

Hey Be the One Family,

I hope and trust your week is thriving! Remember, if you’re ever going through something, I want to encourage you to reach out. I want to encourage you today that you are not alone.

2020 and 2021 has been two years where many of our normal routines have been done away with. It’s caused moments of greater solitude which most of us were not ready to embrace. For others, it was a welcome halt to the fast paced business of life.

What I've noticed about slowing down and working though moments of isolation is that if we are not careful, the enemy will choose those moments to attack us. That is why the Bible warns us not to give up meeting together. When we isolate too long without brothers and sisters in Christ checking in and checking up, it's easy to be overcome by the enemies' attacks.

As we finish up this series on fear, I want to challenge you to navigate and overcome the fear of abandonment. This fear sounds like, “no one cares about me.” “Everyone leaves me.” “I better not get too close to these friends, because they won’t be there when I need them.” All of these thoughts are lies. One thing I've learned about feelings is just because they are present doesn’t mean they are correct.

Be the One family, I really do believe this season is almost over. Like many of you, I'm praying for wisdom, guidance, and truth for those in authority helping us process covid, however this battle of fear can only be overcome by faith. Battling the fear of abandonment will require us to resist the enemy's lies that you are forgotten and alone. Don’t let the fear of abandonment grip you. The Father God will not leave you and he will not forsake you. His love can fill you and give you a sound mind.

"When I am afraid,I put my trust in you.4 In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?"

Psalm 56:3-4

Love ya,

Pastor Steven// Founder of Be the One

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